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Saturday, October 11, 2008

More changes, but, better

We are not using West Sands adoptions. After waiting a week to hear back from them, I finally called their office and was told that the social worker would contact me. Anther week goes by, and I get an email stating that because China is now a Hague country, they cannot do our adoption homestudy. They apparently think that because they are not a Hague approved agency, that they cannot perform homestudies for the countries that are now part of the Hague treaty. According to Ky at AAI this is not the case, any state certified agency can perform adoption homestudies regardless of their Hague status or lack thereof. Because of the problems with communication, and their lack of a clear understanding on Hague homestudies, it would be better if we just stuck with WIAA. They may cost twice as much, but, usually, you get what you pay for, and in this case, it looks like that is true.

We have our medical clearance visit on Monday, and our employment letters and police clearances will be done this week. If we can get through the medical clearances with no problems, then we will move on with the homestudy. We won't hear from AAI, whether they will accept us as clients or not, for a couple of weeks, so, we'll see on that.

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