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Thursday, November 20, 2008

The homestudy has begun

Wooo Hooo!!!!

We officially had our first homestudy visit on Monday, and to my surprise, it went very well.

Tom Baxter, who prepared the first half of our postponed homestudy back in 2006, is handling the homestudy this time, and he said he can use most of our original paperwork.

We have the next visit set up for December 1st, due to all the holiday scheduling conflicts, which is fine, it gives me time to finish preparing the paperwork I do need to get, and to hand out the reference letters.

We need four reference letters, one of which has to be a family member.

I need to get letters from our Dr. stating our health, and have the kids looked at and letters written for them as well. We will be sending in our background check forms, and all the required documents probably in the next two weeks. It all depends on how quickly I can get the kids in for a quick checkup and have the letters written. Everything has so far gone so smoothly, I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Praying it doesn't.

Tom seems to think our homestudy will go very quickly, but, I'm not so confident. So many things can still go wrong or cause a delay, not the least of which is the reference letters. One person takes a long time, drags their feet, forgets to send it in, loses it, whatever, and the whole process is stopped in it's tracks. The background checks in all states we have lived since we were 18 could be a sticking point, since Tim has lived in Minnesota, South Dakota, Idaho, Utah, and California, and I have lived in Minnesota, Utah, and California. All of those states will have to be checked.

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