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Monday, October 12, 2009

66 Days.....

Referrals came in today for Non Special Needs adoptions. They are for people who sent their request to China on either March 27th or 28th of 2006. Yes, I said 2006. That is how long it is currently taking for China to process the paperwork for families who are requesting a healthy infant. To make it worse, they are continuing to slow the process. Each day that China recieves paperwork for NSN adoptions is called a log in date, similar to the special needs process. This month they sent out two days worth of requests, and next month they will likely do the same, sending out the next two days worth, and only finishing with March 2006 after having started on it months ago. At the rate of only two days per month being processed, it will take years just to finish all of 2006. I guess if I look at it that way, waiting more than 66 days for our LOA doesn't sound so bad.

Then again, they don't have a four year old child looking back at them from a picture taken months ago. Their babies won't be born until about a year before they get their referral. My baby girl is waiting right now, and every day that passes is another she will wait, and another day I don't get to hold her and be her mom.


  1. Hi Teri. We feel your pain. We waited 127 days for your LOA. Now we are waiting for the Article V. There seems to be no end to the waiting. I concur with you about the wait being worse for those who have a name and face of a child who is just sitting in the orphanage waiting for their forever family to come get them. Before we were matched, the wait was not difficult at all. We even assumed we had 2 more years or so to wait and we were fine with that. Now we have a 7 year daughter in Huainan, who is aware and conscious and probably wondering every day (probably with some trepidation)what her new life is going to be like. Meanwhile the endless paperwork, reviews, authorizations continue...

    We sincerely hope your LOA comes soon. Holly is so adorable! If you care to check out our blog we can be found at http://blessedaffinity.blogspot.com.

  2. Patience is indeed a virtue as we have now waited 150 days for our LOA - far more than we had ever imagined. But God is in control and we trust Him for His most perfect timing! Enjoyed your blog and your darling girl!
    Anne in AZ


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