It's been a good year, one of transitions and changes. Holly and Myleigh have grown so much in just twelve months. Both are now teenagers and while Holly is no longer taller than Myleigh, she isn't far behind.
Holly is in seventh grade. She graduated from elementary school with an award from the local Kiwanis Club for being an outstanding student called the Terrific Kid award. Not being one for drawing attention to herself, she didn't want a fuss made about it, but, we just had to be there when she was recognized and take pictures of her receiving that award.
Holly DOES NOT like to have her picture taken, and tries to show her displeasure by not smiling. I had to say something really silly to get her to smile for this one.
Spring time also brought a new challenge for Holly. She started Tae Kwon Do lessons, which lasted for almost the entire year, but, she eventually was bored by the idea of practicing at home, and chose to stop for now. Maybe she will pick it back up again.
For spring break we decided to spend some time up at the University campus just goofing around.
Myleigh playing with an ostrich puppet
Lunch at the campus food court.
It's the MdDonalds arch, a replica from China I think. I don't remember all that was said on the plaque. This was part of a display in the university museum of art.
This is what happens when Mom tries to learn how to use a selfie stick.
The stairs in the campus student center |
One of the girls favorite places to eat is a Korean barbeque restaurant where you can grill your own meat and kimchi and get tons of sides, all you can eat. It's legit Korean bbq.
Myleigh trying out the squid, which was still riggling when you grilled it.
Over the summer we took the girls up to the Canyons resort in Park City. We lounged around the pool, ate in restaurants, shopped for school clothes, and did absolutely no dishes.
Holly did not want to pose for this picture. She humors me most of the time.
This was the big attraction for the day, lunch at Atticus Finch coffee shop. The girls love their specialty drinks.
Is my smoothie ready yet?
Halloween was fun, and relaxing. Holly dressed up as a Ninjago ninja, and Myleigh spent the day changing her mind, starting out with cool face paint, then changing to being a snap chat logo, and finally was a ghostbuster (translation, she wore a ghostbuster T shirt).
We joined the campus student organization to try to break the record for the most pumpkins decorated. I don't think they won, but, we had fun participating.
After much consideration, and a few well hidden tears from me, Holly made the decision to have the back of her head shaved. Her hair is so thick, and grows so fast, that it puts too much weight on her neck, so, this was a good solution for the time being, and her sister Katie, being in cosmetology school, did the honors, complete with a Harry Potter lightning bolt.
Life just keeps moving forward, and both Holly and Myleigh are seeing the time fast approaching when they will be off to college. Holly is pretty zen about it, which is because she has five more years before it's real, but, Myleigh is very aware that next year, being her Junior year in High School means she will be applying to colleges and filling out scholarship applications. This year will be the year she gets her driver license, which I am definitely not ready for.
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