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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Figuring out clothing sizes

So, after much trial and error, and knowing that Asian children have basically no tush and long legs, and long torsos, big round heads, we have narrowed down clothing sizes.

She currently fits nicely into size 5 slim bottoms, and size 6/6x tops. She could even wear 7/8 tops, but, the 6's are a better fit. She wears size 10 1/2 shoes, not the size 4's the orphanage told us, which is a relief since that means her feet are not out of proportion from the rest of her.

She loves to go shopping for clothes. This girl knows what she likes and doesn't like, and has very particular taste. We've had to do a lot of shopping to size up what I had gotten for her before we went to China. After a few trips, I took her to Walmart and we were passing the children's clothing section, and she got a confused look on her face and pointed at the clothes and said "Mama?!" as if to ask why we weren't stopping there. When I told her no and shook my head, she got a very teenage looking disgusted expression on her face and sighed.

So, if you're adopting from China, and you have been given measurements that seem out of whack, take them with a grain of salt.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha. Thanks for describing Asians down to the T. Especially the no tush part.


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