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Saturday, February 20, 2010

The first real hug

It finally happened. Holly finally reached out and hugged me, really hugged me. Not by accident, and not because I hugged her first. It wasn't a fake kind of well if I have to hug.

We were at the UVU Ballroom Dancesport competition, and she chose to sit next to me. She leaned over into me, and then looked up and me with a new kind of admiration. Myleigh came over and gave me a hug, and then walked away. Without any warning Holly reached up, smiled a big smile, and hugged me, and for a long time. I couldn't believe she did it, and I didn't want to make too big of a deal out of it. I wanted it to feel just as natural of a reaction to her as it did when Myleigh hugged me. I think it worked, because she has been so different since then with me. Not the way I know it will be in time, but, it's pretty clear she is starting to see me not only as the Mama she has, but, the Mama she wants to have.

She had so much fun today at the comp. I thought she would be bored literally to tears, but, with a few trips to the hallway for a run and play session, and with the team members taking off with both her and Myleigh to play, visit with the rest of the team, and dance during the open dance times, she and Myleigh lasted the whole day.


  1. HOORAH - what more need be said?

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. Yay!! My daughter (6 at the time) rejected me. She would show affection to ANYONE but me. It was hard and it took about 2 full month before we truly started the bonding process. Fast forward 18 months...she is totally a MOMMY's girl. Everyone says that after seeing us today that they could never imagine her rejecting me. I once asked her why and she replied..."I was scared you would not love me so I just tried to not love you first." Very mature for a little 6 year old. She tested me over and over again and I NEVER gave her a reason to justify her fears that I would leave her too.

    I just learned to get up each morning with a smile on my face and prepared myself for each rejection knife wound to the heart.

    Please feel free to email me. You can find the link through my blog.
    Things will work out fine. You are doing great.



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