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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A little under the weather

Well, it was bound to happen to one of us, since we really aren't afraid to try new things and so much is available.  Im just glad it was me instead of one of the others.  From what I have figured out it was probably the fish on the breakfast buffet.  It's usually really good, but, this time it had a bit of an off taste.  I didn't eat much, not enough to be full on sick, but, enough to have an uncomfortable night, and to know for sure that it was good we didn't end up on the dinner cruise last night.  would have ruined the whole thing for everyone else Im sure.  Since this body can stand to miss a few meals, it wasn't a tragedy to opt out of both dinner last night and breakfast this morning. 
This afternoon we head out to the US consulate here in Guangzhou, and for the first time in two weeks we will be on US soil.  I would bring back pictures, but, cameras are not allowed. 
We said a sad farewell to one of our guides, sweet Vicki, yesterday.  We gave her a bouquet of flowers, and she seemed very surprised.  According to Rebecca, Vicki was very touched that we would do that.  We're going to miss Vicki and Rebecca both.  Today we will be meeting the famous Lily, who was responsible for helping us find our Holly Jun and securing her file for us.
This morning Tim and Holly went with the group to the Botanical Gardens, I was not up to it and Matthew had homework to do.  Apparently it didn't go too well.  Holly has been learning that no means no, and there are limits, and she is none too happy about it.  She and I went round one and two this morning over me telling her to put her sweater in her suitcase, and her flat refusing with a naughty smile on her face.  Guess who won?  So, after being in time out once today already, she must have decided to test Tim to see if he is going to be a pushover or not.  It all started over a pin wheel.  Tim got her a small pin wheel, but, she wanted a really big one.  She threw herself on the ground, screaming and crying.  Tim stood his ground.   After a while of screaming, and refusing to move, she quieted down, but, as soon as Tim tried to get her some ice cream, she reeled back into it, An older Chinese woman came over and tried to give Holly the big
pinwheel she wanted, but, Tim told her no, and Rebecca did what she could to let Holly know she was being naughty and should stop.  Nearly the whole time they were there she was fussing and fuming.  Finally it was time to go, and at that she was fine again, but, it had been an epic battle and will go down in history as the battle of the pinwheel.   I give it one day before they go round two, the first battle over, parents 1 Holly 0, and the war is far from over.  She's a tough competitor, but, we're the seasoned warriors. 
It seems Tim has fallen in love with China and it's people.  He was saying this morning how much he's going to miss Guangzhou.  It's funny how this country has a way of becoming a part of you.


  1. I have loved following your blog. Way to go with standing your ground! We will be traveling to Wuhan City to pick up our little boy some time late this summer or early fall. Thanks for letting us peek into your journey!

  2. Congratulations, I have looked at your blog, too. You guys are truly the salt of the earth. I hope your DH makes it back safely from Haiti and know that the Lord will bless you and your family for the sacrafices you are making for those people in Haiti. I'll be watching your journey to Wuhan with interest. We had a great experience there, and envy that you'll get to see it when much of the construction we were navigating around will be largely finished. Definitely, go to the provincial museum. It was very interesting. That's one place where you'll find turquoise, which is one of the things Hubei province is known for. You will find it in other places, too, but, I felt really good about buying something special for Holly for the future that was purchased in her home province.


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