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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our fifth day home

We've been home five days now. Some things are going along smoothly, and others are still a struggle. Nothing more than I expected, but, oh it will be nice when we're all back to normal, or as close as we're liable to get.

Holly has attached strongly to all her siblings, and of course to Baba, but, still keeps me at arms length. I could speculate why, but, Ive seen enough signs that she wants to reach out to me, that I know in time she'll be fine.

Myleigh is thrilled that she has the sister she always wanted, and they are pretty much inseperable most of the time. Today Myleigh goes back to school for the first time since we brought Holly home, and that will be an interesting adjustment for Holly, dealing with being home all day without her sister to play with.

Holly is not what I would call a morning person, by a long shot. She wakes up grouchy, whiney, and refuses to eat breakfast. She just sits in front of her bowl either fussing or watching TV. I have decided to take the approach that if she eats, great, if not, she'll be hungry come the next meal. I have her sit there, for as long as I think it may take for her to decide to eat, and then, I take the food and let her get down from the table. It started to work yesterday, but, today we are back at it already this morning, so, we'll see what today brings. She uses food as a control issue, only taking it from someone other than me, so, I have to insist that no one else offer her food. Yesterday, without thinking, Tim took the lunch I put in front of her that she refused to eat, and when I went out the door to the store, he reheated it and gave it back to her. She ate it.

She'll eat dinner if all of us are sitting together at the table, in my view it's because she is sharing it with everyone else, and my involvement is minimal. So, through the day she does eat, just not what I hope to see over the next few days. I'm trying not to turn this into a power struggle, but, the more she pushes me away, the harder it will be when Tim goes back to work in a couple of days. So, we press on.

When I took her to Wendys she ate her entire kids meal. Maybe it's about junk food. Still a work in progress, but, we don't do junk food that often, and she'll have to get used to eating healthy, even if it isn't loaded with sugar and grease.

Holly slept all night last night in her bedroom with Myleigh. Tim had been spending the night on an air mattress on their floor, but, he showed her where his bed is and that he will be sleeping there. She accepted it, went to bed, slept all night, with us keeping an ear out with a baby monitor. So, that's progress.

1 comment:

  1. Same thing happened with my DD (5) adopted in May. She pushed me away for a long time, and everytime she pushed me away, I spent extra time with her, and she tantrumed. Finally I now feel like she likes me as much as Baba if not more. Honestly there were times that I wonder what I was doing, but it came slowly. I did baby therapy and play therapy with Lilly and that seemed to help. Its a work in progress. ((hugs)) for you. Let me know id you need a listening ear, BTDT
    fellow Rqer


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